What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

Outstanding job. Thank you.

Great employees!

Thank you very much for helping us get back in business after the fire. I hope we will never have another fire, but if we do require clean up, be sure that we will reach out to you.


Excellent service from SERVPRO and their crew!


The SERVPRO team was very professional. The daily work performed by the crews was well appreciated. The crews on site were hard working along with all the employees of SERVPRO.


Just keep doing what you do!

Staff was exceptional!


I am thoroughly impressed with the degree of professionalism, expertise and efficiency of SERVPRO! Performance was excellent!



I appreciate the quick response from the first call to on site – that is extremely important & they came through.


Very professional! I was able to continue with business operations. Excellent job!

Everyone has been very helpful and fast!

Very thorough - polite & courteous! Thank you!

We at Southington Schools were very fortunate to have SERVPRO as our disaster recovery team this summer following our June 25, 2016 fire here at the school.

With that being said, I have always been of the attitude that is all starts at the top. 

Project Manger for us was Michael Arnold. We cannot tell you how fortunate we were. There were plenty of outside circumstances that could have contributed to this situation, quite frankly, becoming a horrible setting for all of us. However, it was not. 

Dealing with a staff of educators at the beginning of the school year is not an easy task. This incident could have made it much more difficult, but, it was not. We attribute that to Michael and his attention to detail. Every staff member echoes my opinion. 

As you can see, I as Superintendent of Schools, recommend SERVPRO, and more importantly Michael without hesitation. This simple letter of recommendation is minor compared to our true feeling. I implore whoever reads this to call me so that I may further express my satisfaction during our ordeal.